The Visitors to Canada Plan offers Emergency Medical Benefits to individuals who wish to travel to Canada. The plan can be purchased before or after their arrival – however it is recommended that the plan be purchased in advance to ensure coverage begins on the arrival date.
• Available for ages 14 days old up to 84 years of age during the entire period of coverage
• Maximum stay of 365 days
• No Eligibility Questionnaire is required
• Must not be eligible for benefits under any Canadian federal,provincial or territorial health insurance plan
Travel Assistance – Available 24/7
Hospital & Medical – Up to the Sum Insured*
Emergency Medical Evacuation/ Return Home – Up to the Sum Insured*
Accommodation & Meals – $150/day up to $1,500
Cremation/Burial at Destination – $10,000
*Three Benefit Limits:
• $50,000 (Ages 14 days old up to 84 years)
• $100,000 (Ages 14 days old up to 84 years)
• $150,000 (Ages 14 days old up to 69 years)
No coverage for expenses related to a sickness, injury, or medical condition if, in the 6 months prior to your effective date, you had sought or received treatment or taken medication for that condition.
• If the policy purchase date is after the arrival in Canada, coverage is subject to waiting periods of 48 hours or 7 days (please refer to the period of coverage in the policy)
• The emergency medical expenses must be incurred: in Canada; or on a side trip which begins in Canada and is not longer than the stay in Canada
The above is a brief summary of coverage. Please refer to the policy brochure for complete details.
Underwritten by Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada | 100 King St W, Hamilton