Visitors To Canada Emergency Medical


Emergency medical coverage for Family, Friends, or Colleagues visiting Canada

The Visitors to Canada Plan offers Emergency Medical Benefits to individuals who wish to travel to Canada. The plan can be purchased before or after their arrival – however it is recommended that the plan be purchased in advance to ensure coverage begins on the arrival date.


• Available for ages 14 days old up to 84 years of age during the entire period of coverage
• Maximum stay of 365 days
• No Eligibility Questionnaire is required
• Must not be eligible for benefits under any Canadian federal,provincial or territorial health insurance plan


Travel Assistance – Available 24/7
Hospital & Medical – Up to the Sum Insured*
Emergency Medical Evacuation/ Return Home – Up to the Sum Insured*
Accommodation & Meals – $150/day up to $1,500
Cremation/Burial at Destination – $10,000

*Three Benefit Limits:
• $50,000 (Ages 14 days old up to 84 years)
• $100,000 (Ages 14 days old up to 84 years)
• $150,000 (Ages 14 days old up to 69 years)


No coverage for expenses related to a sickness, injury, or medical condition if, in the 6 months prior to your effective date, you had sought or received treatment or taken medication for that condition.


• If the policy purchase date is after the arrival in Canada, coverage is subject to waiting periods of 48 hours or 7 days (please refer to the period of coverage in the policy)
• The emergency medical expenses must be incurred: in Canada; or on a side trip which begins in Canada and is not longer than the stay in Canada 


The above is a brief summary of coverage. Please refer to the policy brochure for complete details.
Underwritten by Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada | 100 King St W, Hamilton