Does Your Credit Card or Group Plan Provide Adequate Coverage?

Talk of the Town Travel Can Take You There
Here are the questions you should be asking to find out if you have all the coverage you need through your credit card or group insurance.


  • Is there a limit on the maximum number of days available for any one trip?
  • If you have Trip Cancellation benefits, do you know what the maximum sum insured is?
  • Does your credit card include over 30 covered events to cancel or interrupt your trip?
  • Can you cancel your trip if you or your travelling companion are medically unable to receive a vaccination that is required for the
    country you are visiting provided it was not mandatory on your effective date?
  • Do you have interruption benefits due to the loss or theft of you or your travelling companion’s valid passport?
  • Does your credit card offer Ultimate coverage that allows you to cancel or interrupt your trip for any unforeseen reason after the effective date that is otherwise not included in the covered events??
  • Can you cancel your trip due to a pre-existing condition? If so, how long do you need to be Stable to have coverage? What is the Emergency Medical benefit maximum and what type of expenses are covered?
  • Does your credit card offer Managed Care, travel assistance, or services such as: emergency travel arrangements to return home, where possible have medical expenses billed directly to the company, translation service, urgent message transmittals or travel and document assistance 24 hours a day 7 days a week?
  • Do you need to use your credit card to pay for your trip? If you have an overdue payment do you still have coverage?

Don’t let your dream vacation turn into a financial nightmare! Make sure you ask the right questions. We suggest you speak to the company that underwrites the insurance coverage on your credit card to get the correct answers.